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Words and Music by Robbie Smith

Maybe war will teach us something – teach us how to live in peace
Maybe tears will turn to gladness – and maybe famine will lead to feast
Maybe hatred will turn to kindness once it sees what it’s become
Maybe lies will turn to the truth once the sadness they’ve caused is done

Peace will come, peace will come, peace will come in time
All the guns and marching drums will fade to silence in time

Before we walk through comfort’s doorway we must follow a path of pain
Maybe each and every loss is somehow linked to what we gain

And every time something holds me back I just know – I know
With every step I just know how far I can go – I can go so far

Maybe sorrow will take us somewhere – somewhere joy might never find
Through the cruel and empty darkness a glimpse of a soul that’s kind

And out beyond the grief and despair there is something else there
Yes, up above the stars I’m aware of the balance that’s there

Maybe guilt will find forgiveness once the shame has disappeared
Love and courage and new beginnings will greet the endings that once we feared

For every time something holds us back I just know – I know
With every step I just know how far we can go – we can go so far

Maybe – turn to kindness , find forgiveness – oh maybe – teach us how
Maybe – bring us gladness – oh maybe – teach us how
Maybe – new beginnings – oh maybe – teach us how
Maybe – teach us something – oh maybe – teach us now.